Senior Care in Sacramento

March 28, 2023
suite living senior care, Sacramento, CA, Jazba Care, assisted living care, senior wellness care

Senior Care in Sacramento: Providing Compassionate and Quality Services for Elderly Individuals

As people age, it’s common for them to experience a range of physical and mental health issues that can affect their ability to care for themselves. For many seniors, medical conditions can worsen over time, leading to a decline in mobility and a need for assistance with daily tasks. Additionally, some seniors may experience confusion when it comes to managing their finances or may find themselves in self-isolation, leading to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. In some cases, seniors may struggle to keep their homes clean or maintain good hygiene, which can have negative impacts on their health and wellbeing. Fortunately, there are a variety of senior care options available in Sacramento that can help seniors stay healthy, happy, and comfortable in their golden years.

Medical Conditions Becoming Worse

The probability of an elderly person requiring long-term medical care grows dramatically as they become older. The Alzheimer’s Association and the American Heart Association approximate that as many as 70 million adults (over the age of 50) have at least one chronic medical illness.  As they mature, people with these kinds of difficulties have a harder time taking care of themselves. As we age, we increase our risk of experiencing a serious medical event. If your loved one has indicated that he or she has fallen and struggled to get up on multiple occasions, he or she shouldn’t be living alone. Death rates from falls have been steadily rising over the past decade, and one-third of seniors experience a fall annually.

Confusion or Difficulty in Money Management

As people get older, it gets harder and harder for them to keep up with their bills and other financial obligations. Bank and insurance company bills often pile up because elderly people can’t or forget to pay them. Patients with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can’t think about things in an abstract way or deal with numbers that are hard to understand. This can make things hard if you have to pay your taxes or a lot of bills at the same time. Seniors are especially likely to be scammed by telemarketers or even by people in their own families. Scams like this can put older people in tough financial situations that make it hard for them to take care of themselves, even if they still live in their own homes.

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Self-Isolation and Depression

Isolation is a big problem among older people. More than 11 million older people in the U.S. live alone, according to the U.S. Census. This kind of social isolation can be detrimental to one’s health. Seniors who don’t have many friends tend to cut back on their hobbies, time with friends and family, and even how often they leave the house. 

Dementia and heart disease are both linked to depression in older people, which can be caused by a lack of social interaction or a lack of a purpose in life. Seniors who live alone are more likely to do things that are bad for them, like smoke, drink, or abuse prescription drugs. One study found that the death rate of the elderly is directly related to how much time they spend alone.

Hoarding or Unclean Home Conditions

If a Senior’s home is dirty or foul smelling, it may be a sign that he or she is unable to live independently. Some of this could be due to the Senior not having the ability to do their housekeeping such as not having a dishwasher and can’t stand for long periods of time to wash dishes. Or unable to maneuver a vacuum to clean any dirt or debris that is tracked into the home.

Paying attention to a loved one’s refrigerator is also another way to determine if they need assistance. Is there layers of spoiled food and produce? Are most of the products past their expired date? Are you seeing multiple cartons of takeout from the same restaurant that is spoiled? These are just a few examples of symptoms of a senior loved one needing assistance in the home.

Poor Hygiene and Declining Health

Assisted living in Sacramento, CA may be necessary even if a family member is capable of taking care of themselves, if they have no interest in doing so. Bad breath and unkempt appearance are both signs that a person isn’t taking care of their hygiene as much as they should be. It’s also possible that they’re losing the ability to take care of themselves. Our bodies deteriorate as we age, making us look frail and less robust. This could be the result of something as simple as a lack of food or as serious as an undiagnosed health problem.

Elderly Care, Sacramento,

Jazba Care; Senior Care in Sacramento

Senior care services in Sacramento are crucial in ensuring that elderly individuals are able to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life. Whether it’s assistance with daily tasks, financial management, or companionship, senior care providers offer a wide range of services that cater to the unique needs of each individual. One such provider is Jazba Care, which is dedicated to providing compassionate and personalized care to seniors in the Sacramento area. With their experienced and highly trained staff, Jazba Care is committed to ensuring that seniors receive the highest standard of care possible. By working with a reputable senior care provider like Jazba Care, families can have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are in good hands. Call us today!

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