Senior Living Near Me

January 26, 2023
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It can be difficult to see our parents age. One day they’re independent and able to take care of themselves, and the next they’re struggling with basic activities like bathing and dressing. If you’re at a loss for what to do when your elderly parent needs more help than you can provide, assisted living may be the best option for the whole family. Looking for senior living “near me” is the first step in finding a quality senior care facility that will take the best care of your loved one. In this article, we’ll discuss the primary benefits of assisted living and why it may even be the best thing to happen to the senior in your life!

Benefits of Assisted Living

There’s no way to sugar-coat the reality that with big changes come challenges—and with these challenges comes the opportunity to adapt and become more resilient. While making the decision to transition to an assisted living facility might raise some difficult questions, with a little research you’ll find that there are many benefits associated with taking this leap of faith. In the following passage, we will detail the top five benefits associated with transitioning to an assisted living facility.

Constant Medical Monitoring and Assistance With Daily Life

Perhaps the most obvious benefit, and yet the most crucial one, is the positive impact the assistance of qualified staffing can have on a senior’s quality of life. Whether they require help keeping up with basic hygiene such as bathing or using the toilet, manage incontinence issues, or simply appreciate a daily reminder to take their medication, there is no denying that the presence of medically trained, 24-hour staff can provide tangible assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). This form of aid can be as nuanced as observing your loved one for changes in mood, behavior, or physical ability that might indicate a change in health status—which could end up saving their life.

Reduced Stress on the Senior

As we age, keeping up with housekeeping, errand-running, and even attending to our own basic needs like cooking and feeding ourselves can become more and more challenging. As these activities become more taxing and take up more time due to reduced mobility, memory recall, or cognition, we are less able to focus on the things that bring us joy. By switching to a senior living facility, your loved one can leave the stress of daily chores behind and spend more time doing things they love—not to mention they will experience the peace of mind that comes with attentive 24-hour staffing.

Reduced Stress on the Family

There is no reason to feel guilt, shame, or burdensome when we graduate to old age—in fact, this is something to be celebrated and revered! However, it can be challenging for family members to juggle the demands of the whole family in tandem with the increasing needs of their senior loved one, as much as they love and care for them. While it can be hard to bring up the topic of looking into senior living “near me,” many families feel a sense of relief and find security in knowing that their loved one is now under the care of qualified staff. This ironically can even improve otherwise strained relationships in the family, making visiting your loved one a joy rather than a source of stress.

Increased Socialization

Nearly half of all senior citizens contend with feelings of isolation and loneliness—states of being that, if left unchecked, can lead to devastating mental and physical consequences for health. In transitioning to assisted care, your senior will find themselves in a community of peers who may be experiencing similar struggles and triumphs, with no shortage of opportunities to socialize and connect. Socializing in seniors not only fends off the negative effects of loneliness, can also improve cognition and memory recall, boost mood, increase a sense of well-being, and even increase lifespan!

Opportunities for Life Enrichment

The best senior living facilities in the Sacramento area will include opportunities for social gatherings, group exercises, board game tournaments or cards, or even provide classes like painting, flower arranging, or gardening. These scheduled events can not only provide your loved one with activities to look forward to, but they can also help them to find deeper meaning and joy as they live out their golden years.

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Senior Living: A Whole New Chapter of Life

No matter your relationship with your parents (or any senior in your life, for that matter), it’s likely that the topic of assisted living will bring up complex emotions. There are many questions to ask before the final decision is made, ranging from how to keep your loved one healthy for longer to how to help them maintain a sense of autonomy.

Did you know that some senior living facilities begin admitting residents as young as 60 years old? While it can be frightening to think about the inherent changes that come with this type of life transition, moving into an assisted living facility also opens new doors that would otherwise not be accessible—such as focusing on the good stuff in life and not being weighed down with unnecessary hardship or responsibility. Don’t allow your loved one to make the mistake of thinking that making this transition is the end of the world—it is simply the beginning of a new chapter, like moving towns, getting married, or going away to college. There is still joy ahead in the years that remain, and the more emotional support you can offer them during this time, the easier this huge step will be.

Senior Living Near Me

If you’re in the Sacramento area looking for senior living “near me,” you’ve likely noticed there is no shortage of options for assisted living facilities for your loved one. However, the question to ask yourself is what type of care is going to make this transition as simple as possible for the whole family with minimal stress or issues. Get creative when it comes to brainstorming with your loved one, and do your best to put yourself in their shoes. Touring the grounds is an excellent way to get a read on the culture of an assisted living facility and may help make the decision to transition all the easier.

Institutions like Jazba Care offer 24-hour staffing capable of tending to your loved one’s basic medical needs, housekeeping, laundry services, and more. With nutritious meals and snacks provided as well as community events to keep seniors engaged, we take a holistic approach to senior wellness, believing that old age is not just for surviving, it is for thriving. If you’re interested in beginning the conversation, contact Jazba Care today, or book a tour of our facility here!

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