Sacramento Senior Care Suites

August 17, 2022
Jazba Care Bedroom Suite, suite living senior care, Sacramento, CA, Sacramento senior care suites

When it comes time for our parents or loved ones to enter into an assisted living situation, we want to make sure that they are in the best possible environment. There are many different models of assisted living, and each one has its own advantages. In this article, we will discuss senior care suites and why they may be a better option for your loved one than other types of assisted living. We will discuss the advantages of seeking Sacramento senior care suites for your loved one so that they can remain close to family, as well as the benefits of maintaining autonomy in seniors.

What Is a Senior Care Suite?

A senior care suite is a type of assisted living model that is built on the concept of home-level care in a community atmosphere. What this typically translates to is seniors living in private or shared apartments with kitchenettes and attached bathrooms. Often times, this model of assisted living facility will also include community areas where residents can gather, mingle, or participate in group activities—as well as a communal dining area.

With this model, residents can receive as little or as much assistance as they require with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as bathing, getting dressed, or taking care of other hygiene needs such as using the toilet. As more care is needed in managing their ADLs, residents can seek more help from the 24-hour staff so their needs are always being met

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What Are the Advantages of Senior Care Suites?

Not every form of assisted living offers as much privacy and autonomy as a senior care suite with an included kitchen and bath. Aside from the privacy this brings, residents can enjoy many other aspects of their Sacramento senior care suites, including:

  • Opportunities to cook for themselves: While most nursing homes and assisted living facilities offer some form of a meal plan so seniors are offered three nutritious meals a day, some people genuinely love the act of cooking and prefer to choose what they eat on any given day. This opportunity is a blessing for those who enjoy a meaningful relationship with food, including deciding what they’d like to eat and when.
  • Opportunities to make the space their own: With private lodgings comes the opportunity to brighten up a space, decorate, and participate in nesting activities. Senior care suites offer a unique opportunity for seniors to create a homey place they feel they belong within the facility, which can improve outlook, mood, and behavior long-term by providing them with a place to recharge.
  • Opportunities for community engagement: Just because there are private lodgings does not mean there won’t be an opportunity to make friends and connect with peers as well! Sacramento senior care suites like those at Jazba Care offer residents the opportunity to participate in daily scheduled activities such as group exercise, gardening, or artistic endeavors like flower arranging. When “getting out of the house” simply means walking down the hall to the community space, it’s much easier for seniors to find opportunities for joy and meaning with other residents without the hassle of having to commute elsewhere.
  • Access to increasing levels of care as needed: Old age comes with its trials and tribulations—and with the new challenges presented comes opportunities for increased levels of care. Suite-style living offers seniors the chance to take care of themselves as much as they care to, with attentive and supportive staff to aid them wherever necessary.
  • Included amenities: Laundry, changing the bedding, tidying up, and even incontinence care can be a chore that can end up dominating a lot of time for seniors who are less mobile than younger staff. At an assisted living facility like senior care suites, the staff is qualified and trained to assist with these basic amenities, leaving seniors more time for having fun, socializing, or pursuing a hobby!
  • Increased autonomy and independence: With their own private lodgings, bathroom, and kitchen, residents at Sacramento senior care suites have the power to make basic choices about their everyday living and lifestyle. This is crucial for maintaining autonomy as long as possible, which has been associated with longevity, the prevention of cognitive impairments and mental health problems, and a positive perception of health.
Jazba Care Dining, holistic senior care, Sacramento, CA

Living On Their Own Terms: Why Maintaining Autonomy in Seniors is Important

Maintaining as much independence as possible as we age has been associated with numerous health benefits, but it also provides seniors with agency over how they spend their remaining years, including discussing “end of life” care. At its core, feeling a sense of autonomy provides seniors with the dignity to think about their future on their own terms, and on a basic level, continue to seek joy and meaning in the day-to-day. Without this feeling of control over their basic ADLs, assisted living facilities that don’t provide opportunities for senior independence, such as shuttle service to town, may see a decrease in cognitive abilities, mood, behavior, and ultimately physical health.

Every senior deserves to feel that they have the freedom to spend their golden years how they wish—with as much or as little assistance as they want. This may not only improve their outlook on aging but may literally keep them healthier as well!

Sacramento Senior Care Suites

There are a lot of benefits Sacramento senior care suites can offer residents—from community enrichment activities to the autonomy that comes with making personal decisions about how seniors get to spend their day. With these benefits come increased longevity, better overall health, and the opportunity to make healthy choices for their future—whether that is asking for help with basic ADLs or choosing to cook nourishing meals for themselves, or whatever type of food they love to enjoy.

Are you looking for the best Sacramento senior care suites with attentive staff dedicated to your loved one’s holistic wellbeing? Contact Jazba Care today or schedule a visit here!

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