What Is Senior Wellness Care?

August 11, 2022
suite living senior care, Sacramento, CA, Jazba Care, assisted living care, senior wellness care

What is senior wellness care? Holistic senior wellness is a term used to describe an approach to caring for seniors that takes into account their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. It’s about creating an environment where seniors can thrive and feel their best, so they spend their golden years thriving rather than just surviving. In this article, we’ll discuss the pillars of senior wellness and how you can create a holistic care plan for your loved one.

What Is Holistic Wellness?

Holistic wellness is an approach to health and wellbeing that takes into account the whole person—body, mind, and spirit. It recognizes that all aspects of our lives are interconnected and that to be truly well, we need to care for ourselves in all areas. In the following section, we will break down the primary tenants of holistic wellness which keep us mentally and physically healthy—at any age!


It doesn’t matter if we’re old your young—what we think on a daily basis matters! In fact, there are studies that show that chronic stress or repeated negative thinking patterns can manifest in physical health problems—including decreased lifespan. Other health concerns caused by negative thinking include infections, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and more.

Mental health is important at any age but is especially vital as we grow older. While it might be tempting to look at the glass as half empty from time to time, remaining on the positive side not only inspires more creativity, but it creates emotional resilience and more opportunities for joy as well.


Even if we meditate every day and keep our minds in pristine condition, we must concede that our bodies require attention in order for us to remain healthy as well. Physical movement not only releases endorphins that bring about pleasure and happiness, but can also help manage weight and the risk of associated diseases, strengthen muscle and bone mass, and even improve the health of your brain. This not only makes you more agile and fit but generally makes you better able to care for yourself in other ways, such as choosing to eat right.


Sometimes the most elusive aspect of holistic wellbeing to get right of all, nourishing our souls is an important part of staying healthy. What does feeding your spirit mean? It can include finding opportunities for spiritual development through study, group activity, or even volunteering. Maintaining a sense of purpose as we move through life not only keeps us motivated to continue to be well, but it even has a positive impact on those around us.

Jazba Care Gardening, senior home Sacramento, CA, nursing home for elderly

What Is Senior Wellness?

Senior wellness care beings with medical attention such as taking medications or administering blood sugar tests, but is best approached holistically. This means looking at the quality of life of the senior rather than just their bloodwork or other medical issues! In the following section, we will break down the six pillars of senior wellness that are essential to promoting healthy, thriving lifestyles.

Medical Care

It all starts with getting our medical needs met. Good senior wellness care includes regular medical check-ups and screenings. It’s important to catch health problems early so they can be treated effectively. Senior citizens are also more likely to have chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. These need to be managed carefully to prevent complications…so at a bare minimum, holistic senior wellness care needs to include the necessary medical attention.

Eating Nourishing Foods

What we eat can impact everything from our moods and thinking patterns to our ability to stave off infection or disease. The better we eat throughout life, the more likely we are to remain healthy as we age—but it’s never too late to change your diet and start making healthier decisions! Eating nourishing foods not only makes us feel great, but can be a tool to help manage symptoms from other physical ailments or illnesses, such as arthritis, diabetes, IBS, and more.

Social Engagement

Too many of our venerable senior population end up feeling socially isolated as they reach age 65 and older. Once we reach this point in our lives, there’s never been a more important time to be social, seek connection, and build relationships. This is one primary reason why so many elders choose to join assisted living facilities as they age; the community this brings can bring joy, connection, and meaning where before there was only family…or maybe no one at all.

Cognition Exercises

Stretching our brains is an important part of maintaining health, whether this is through creative expression or puzzles like memory games, sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, or something else. Keeping sharp as we get older helps us remain as autonomous as possible for as long as possible, and may even improve our perspective on the changes that come with age. Is there a language you’ve been meaning to learn, or an art form you’ve been meaning to master? Now is the time to start!

Physical Activity

Of course, when we’re older, it’s good to be gentle with our bodies—but keeping them moving from time to time is important as well. Whether this is going for walks, stretching, yoga, or swimming, keeping active can not only keep us in good physical condition, but it can improve our cognition and mood as well. A good senior wellness care facility will provide opportunities or community areas for physical movement so you can keep active during your residency!

Spiritual Development

We talked about nourishing our bellies, but nourishing our souls is just as important. Whether this is through studying a religious text, reading about the ever-expanding universe, or some other means of soul growth that you find meaning in, spiritual health can help us ascend from simple survival mode to flourishing. This can also be a great group activity and an opportunity to socialize with like-minded peers as well, opening up new avenues for connection.

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Best Senior Wellness Care Facility in Sacramento

Of course, medical needs are critically important and they must be met in any demographic—especially in our seniors. But true wellness goes beyond just heart rate and blood pressure and dives deeper into the human experience. Creating a healthy lifestyle for ourselves as we age can not only add years to our life, but it can improve our outlook on the time we have remaining as well. So, whether you’ve read this post thinking of a loved one or out of curiosity about your own needs, why not start practicing holistic wellness now?

Jazba Care is one of the premier senior wellness care facilities in Sacramento with an emphasis on holistic healthy living. With 24-hour attentive staff capable of monitoring mood, behavior, or physical changes, your loved one will be able to focus on the stuff that really matters: having fun! Contact us today to start the conversation, or book a tour of our facility here!

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