24-Hour Elderly Care with Jazba

August 17, 2022
senior care near me, Sacramento, CA, Jazba Care, 24-hour elderly care

As people age, their needs change. What may have been enough care and attention when they were in their 60s or 70s may not be enough as they enter their 80s and 90s. That’s why holistic 24-hour elderly care is so important. By providing around-the-clock support, our venerable community of elders can live fulfilling, comfortable lives. Let’s take a closer look at what that means and why it matters.

Why Holistic Senior Care Matters

Traditional nursing practice analyzes physical illness as it occurs and addresses and medicates the symptoms. This can be an effective way of reducing suffering related to disease or illness—but may also mean longer recovery times, increased medical bills, and complications or comorbidities as a result of treating symptoms as they arise, rather than seeking the root cause.

Holistic senior care looks at the totality of the person’s lifestyle: their mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. While the effects of this style of medical practice are still being studied, there is evidence that looking at the broader picture of a person’s general health is an effective, more efficient, and even more cost-effective way of treating a patient. Holistic wellness aims to promote well-being that nourishes mind, body, and spirit and keeps that patient in a state of general health by looking at all the factors, not just bloodwork and urine samples. This kind of care becomes all the more important for seniors, as old age comes with all sorts of health complications, including mental and spiritual health—which can affect the physical.

The Importance of 24-Hour Assisted Living Staffing

Looking at a senior’s holistic health requires one very fundamental ingredient: attention. In order to maintain a state of health, it’s crucial that senior wellness residence staff provides careful observation and compassionate care around the clock so they can be the first to notice changes in residents’ moods, behavior, or physical ability.

It is crucial to monitor these changes so physicians and nurses on staff are able to swiftly respond to medical emergencies, should they arrive. 24-hour elderly care also entails help with more than just observations, however—basic hygiene acts like toileting or bathing, donning clothes, and other Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are also in the job description of a well-trained senior wellness residence staff.

suite living senior care, Sacramento, CA, Jazba Care, assisted living care, senior wellness care

What Does a Senior Wellness Residence Provide?

A well-rounded senior wellness facility provides services ranging from laundry, housekeeping, and three meals a day to medication management, bedside service for those recovering from surgery, and incontinence care. In the following section, we will endeavor to answer some Frequently Asked Questions about incontinence care and what it entails. You may be surprised at how many people experience this condition!

What Is Incontinence Care?

Did you know that more than half of all nursing home residents experience urinary incontinence issues? This means that over 50% of seniors in wellness residences rely on incontinence care as a part of their daily routine. But what is incontinence care in the context of a senior care facility?

Incontinence care refers to the act of helping seniors experiencing incontinence to navigate their condition, from helping them into protective, absorbent garments that wick moisture away, to cleaning and drying the soiled area after an accident. It also involves changing bedding and cleaning laundry as needed and reminding the resident that this condition is extremely common among their peers and can even begin as early as age 40. Incontinence is a fact of life for about half of the population, so embarrassment is optional!

When Can Incontinence Occur?

Part of the challenge with incontinence as well as what many seniors find to be most frustrating or embarrassing is that incontinence can occur at any time—whether induced by a sneeze or a cough, or a simple inability to control the bladder on the way to the toilet. What’s more, some seniors have health issues that may make relieving their stressed bladders on time difficult, such as mobility issues. This can lead to accidents, which can be better managed with the aid of attentive 24-hour staffing.

Can Incontinence Be Cured?

While incontinence can be caused by any number of factors, including age, weight, smoking status, alcohol consumption, and even gender, there is no one-size-fits-all cure for the condition. However, there are many different treatment options available as well as tools you can use to better manage incontinence issues. In severe cases, surgery can even be recommended, though it is not uncommon for patients to continue to leak urine from time to time.

If you or a loved one is experiencing incontinence, just know there is nothing to be ashamed of and you are not alone! The good news is that there are many different approaches patients might take to better control their bladder, from electrical nerve stimulation of the nerves in the bladder to simple lifestyle changes that improve their overall health.

senior wellness, Jazba Care, senior assisted living facility, assisted living services

Why Choose Jazba Care?

When deciding on an assisted living facility with the senior in your life, it’s important to set them up to thrive, not just survive. Making the choice on where they’ll end up can impact everything from your ability to visit them to the level of care they receive—therefore impacting their overall health. As such, it’s a big decision to make, and one that warrants at least one significant conversation and perhaps a couple of facility tours.

There’s no shortage of 24-hour elderly care facilities in the field—so why trust Jazba with your loved one? At Jazba Care, we believe in our role of maintaining the holistic wellness of the senior in your life through 24-hour staffing, nutritious meals and snacks, group exercise and creative activities, and other forms of enrichment, such as gardening. Our approach takes into account the mental, spiritual, and social aspects of our residents’ lives so that more than just their physical needs are met. We welcome you to come tour our facility and see for yourself what makes Jazba Care stand out!

Best 24-Hour Elderly Care in Sacramento

It was the great Bette Davis who once said, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.” Here at Jazba Care, we tend to agree. Growing older is full of changes, challenges, and spiritual development that may end up shifting your perspective for the better…it doesn’t have to be all aches and pains. By tending to our residents’ holistic needs and providing opportunities for enrichment activities like flower arranging or group board games, we strive to see the whole person in front of us—not just their medical needs on paper.

Want to know more about Jazba’s 24-hour elderly care facility in Sacramento? Contact us today!

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